Recently, a swarm of attacks from Palestinian terrorists have plagued Israel & the Occupied Territories, mostly around Jerusalem and Hebron. Most of the attacks have been lone youth attackers wielding knives, or driving cars. One especially brutal attack was committed by an older Israeli-Arab employee of Bezeq, the local internet company. After what must have been a frustrating day providing tech support to geriatric Jews, the man snapped, driving his van into a group of Ultra-orthodox at a bus stop, jumped out of the van and hacked them to death with a butcher's cleaver (Warning it's a brutal video). Apparently working as tech support doesn't help with your mental stability! Luckily a local, armed with a pistol, was there to shoot the attacker, who still managed to wave his cleaver in the Jew's general direction before the martyr's soul was presumably transferred to paradise, upon which he was greeted by 73 virgin (males).
Of course violence begets violence, and there have been a series of crazy Jew-on-Arab violence as well (surprise!). Luckily it's been a few months since the last time Settler fascists burned a Palestinian infant to death, but the crazies beyond the green line are always lurking! In a series of bizarre and macabrely humorous attacks, an ultra-orthodox Jew tried to murder someone he thought to be Palestinian, only to discover he was indeed Jewish (hey, Semites look like Semites, right?). A truly tragic event occurred when, after an Israeli-Bedouin terrorist went on a stabbing spree in the Be'er-sheva central bus station, police mistakenly shot an Eritrean immigrant, who they thought was the terrorist (black guy, Arab, what's the difference?). Of course accidents happen, and it's easy to accidentally shoot someone, as many Americans understand. But then, a fucking mob of Israelis descended on the wounded man, and beat him to death! Apparently four of the attackers from the lynch-mob have been arrested, and released on bail. Two are even prison guards and one even is a Cohen! Salt of the earth... from nearby Mt. Sodom perhaps!
But we have good news, my dear Chutzpanim friends! Last year, another series of attacks cooled after rains came to Israel. When it rains in Israel, it really pours! You have to remember that most of these youth that do stabbings and terrorist attacks are whiny, lazy little shits with nothing better to do than blame other people for their problems. When it gets wet outside, these are the type of twits who just stay inside and don't do anything. So a week plus of hard rain can really neutralize a vitriolic situation!
May the Chutzpah be with you, my dear Chutzpanim!
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Update 27/10/15:
So the rains have started, dramatically but unfortunately intermittent. Hopefully it will be enough to dissuade terrorists from coming out. Here's a video of the beginning of the rains, as it caught me on Sunday when I arrived at Bar-Ilan:
Here are some of my videos about past monsoon seasons in Israel: